Beneath the moonlight Her will is done


Conclave of the Moon is a Kaldorei-centric, lore-abiding RP guild on Moon Guard. We operate in North American timezones.We offer a mixture of events including but not limited to: D20 campaigns, casual socials, celebration of Kaldorei holidays, and class-focused gatherings such as druidic moots.

Why we Gather


Six years have passed since the Fourth War. In the aftermath of the Horde’s invasion, the Kaldorei stood bereft, their homeland ravaged and their hope fractured. As if fate itself conspired against them, the Scourge’s ravenous maw did not spare them either. Land once teeming with verdant life now bears the scars of struggles waged not just against decade old enemies but new ones birthed in the chaos wrought over years of constant conflict.Many have turned their gaze eastbound, toward foreign lands, casting aside the remnants of their once-hallowed home for a chance at renewal. They are beckoned with the promise of refuge and the allure of unfamiliar horizons. But there are those who still remain. Those who would not stand idle, who yearn to see their lands restored. Those who would not see their lands broken beyond recognition any longer, who seek to rekindle hope’s flame.A call has gone out to those who would protect what is their birthright. It proposes a symposium of kaldorei from each walk of life. Representatives, drawn from the esteemed ranks of well-rooted elven institutions, will guide this assembly. Under a fresh banner, they are summoned to unite, weaving a tapestry of purpose anew.



Conclave of the Moon is a guild focused on safeguarding Kaldorei lands, rebuilding their communities, and carrying out Elune’s will. We strive to be a lore-adherent community focused on encouraging character development through our stories.When joining our community, we offer:

  • CHOICE, CONSEQUENCE, IMMERSION ⸻ Decisions in roleplay are impactful to the overarching guild and interpersonal storylines. There is depth and realism that makes the world feel dynamic and responsive to choices made. We create believable, immersive stories together that honor the lore.

  • DEVELOPMENT ⸻ Stimuli and conflict offer meaningful ways to grow and progress characters. We aim to write stories that challenge ideals and help evolve a character's personality, motivations, and relationships.

  • POLITICAL CONFLICT ⸻ We are seeking to build a guild that has close ties with in-lore organizations and create storylines that deal with the political tension between each of these organizations as they try to work together to safeguard kaldorei lands while upholding their respective ideals.

  • COMMUNITY ⸻ At our essence, we are a tight-knit group of roleplayers with a passion for weaving interesting and intersecting stories with each other. Beyond roleplaying together, we also enjoy doing content or playing other games.




We have a zero-tolerance harassment policy. If you are found guilty of harassing any individual you will be removed from this community. We welcome people of all races, sexual orientations, and gender identities. Please use the pronouns someone identifies with. Joke pronouns in TRPs are not condoned.


Respect other members of the community. Disagreements happen but if things escalate, take it to DMs. Likewise, if someone tells you that the topic being discussed makes them uncomfortable then change the subject.


All players and characters in this space are expected to be 18+. Child or teen characters are not welcome in our space. It is not our jurisdiction to dictate what content you RP on your own time but you are expected to keep any explicit sexual / vulgar content, such as ERP, to private communication channels.


AI art is not allowed. If you use AI generated art as a reference for your character, we will ask you to remove it. If you do not oblige, you will be removed from the guild. Additionally we do not tolerate NSFW art in TRPs.



Leadership of the guild is structured so that there is a representative from several canon organizations that are kaldorei-centric or boast a number of kaldorei. Such organizations include: the Sentinels, the Cenarion Circle, the Watchers, the Sisterhood of Elune, the Illidari, and the Ebon Blade.


Amidst the tapestry of unity being woven, the presence of the Sisterhood of Elune is an essential thread. Like the moon's ever-watchful gaze, the Sisterhood has long held a sacred role within the heart of Kaldorei society. Trained in both politics and war, they are the interpreters of Elune's divine will and the keepers of Her ancient secrets. The Conclave beckons them to not only bring their ageless insights, but also to braid the strands of history and tomorrow's promises into sustainable hope that will guide the Kaldorei into a new era. Those who seek its bough surrender themself to Nyreida Silentfury's trenchant gaze. She is a woman who leaves no stone unturned.


Alara'shinu - the philosophy of beauty in imperfection. Such is it that those of the Cenarion Circle understand the transcience of nature, and accept the cycle of life and death for its necessity to the great cycle. Yet, there is that which is natural, and that which is unnatural, brought about by those who would seek decay and despoil. Such is what the Cenarion Circle defends amidst the Conclave, that sacred cycle, and there is none more unwavering in that duty than he who stands as its representative. Those who follow Auglath Stonebough in that charge must be resolute, and unbridled in their defense of nature.


Order is a necessity in any society, including that of the Kaldorei. Tasked with hunting down the lowliest of peoples, criminals and scum of the kaldorei society, the Watchers ensure that Order is upheld from the ground-up. While their numbers were originally consistent of kaldorei women, in recent years have they broadened their numbers and grown to accept males among their organization. Iltharin, the Lunar Blade is one of many Watchers. Having recently been tasked with investigating a group of outlaws in northern Kalimdor. Those who follow in the path of the Watchers will ensure that order is upheld, and those who've broken kaldorei law are chained to their rightful place: Deep down in the barrow-prisons.


Where the Sisterhood of Elune speak as Elune's mouthpiece - divining and translating the will of their honored goddess - it is the Sentinels which carry out the word of the divine through the sing of an arrow, or the sting of a glaive. Beneath the guiding word of the High Priestess, and the action of the General, the Sentinel Army has acted as the primary hand of Night Elven military since the world shattered at the behest of the Eternal Well's sacrifice. Those who seek to serve and protect their kindred within the Conclave would find themselves under the tutelage of Battlemaster Wynra Wildmoon; through her piercing scrutiny and severe hand, many a body would find themselves molded like clay, and reborn with bow in hand as one of Kalimdor's perfect warriors.


Risen into undeath across the years of struggle laid upon Azeroth, there are none whose ideals in life conflict so starkly in death as those who once revered Elune, their once-empire, and the wilds they now serve to protect. Now bound in their protection of the world, the Ebon Blade contains a malady of unsightly spectres. Darkfallen to Death Knights to all sorts of undead stand as an affront to Kaldorei society and ideals as a whole, and most who find themselves working alongside the yet living elves serve their cause in atonement, envy, or unnatural duty. Helmed to assist the Kaldorei plight in her own sense of punishment is Kivani Lunarveil, who leads it as relentlessly and cruel as one could expect the undead to operate. Any who willingly join, or are unfortunately tasked to assist, know their place in the structure of elven society; battle-fodder and widely known as an acceptable loss.


Lying in wait on the outer fringes of kaldorei society are the Illidari, the demon-bound warriors who sought a different path to protect Azeroth against the Burning Legion. Regarded as taboo to their kin with their infernal ties and gouged eyes, they bide their time until they are needed, until a new threat surfaces, until rogue demons come across their violent warpath. They may merely be considered the attack dogs, cannon fodder much like the undead, but not even the priestesses can deny their peculiar talents. Under the many-eyed watch of the arachnid huntress Hastadis Stilltide, the wayward hunters may find new purpose within the Conclave, serving their kin and kith.

Beneath the moonlight Her will is done


A collection of eyes turn to regard you. It is not just the moonlit silver and ancient ambers, but those of lichfire and fel flames too.Ever changing is nature, and so too must be the Children of the Stars - for change will find them, whether they are ready or not.





Tempered by tragedy, she has been forged into steel. Her demeanor unyielding—standards high, face etched in ice. Her gaze, ancient and sorrowful, remains often narrowed, every watchful, and burdened by inherent suspicion. Kindness is a rarity, fractured by the Sundering, but her unwavering faith endures above all else— the Goddess's will shall be done.



Gruff, implacable, and wild, Auglath is a man marked by the primordial wilderness and the duties of druidism in equal measure. His words are few and his temperament ursine. What lies beneath his secretive bearing is not easily known. Every action is taken with purpose, and his footsteps bring tidings both of nature's gentle caress and its unbridled fury.



The many atrocities committed against the Children of the Stars gave way for many heroes to make themselves known. Yet Iltharin himself is far from a hero. Joining the organization of the Watchers, the zealous, imposing man has taken it upon himself to hunt down the most putrid of criminals, and the lowliest of Horde grunts who partook in the conflict of years past. Beaten, bloodied bodies are to be linked to chains, and tossed deeply into the darkest cells of the Barrow-Dens.



Through the deep ravine cutting Stonetalon in twain, The Old Nightsaber long laid watching; her sharp eyes setting their cutting focus to the hold straight and across. Eyes that had seen the first of the green skins break the treeline of Ashenvale, eyes that watched the first arrows fly to pepper their swarthy backs. Wynra Wildmoon stands as a paragon of night-elven resilience and ferocity - this Sentinel leads with a piercing war-cry and all the heart of the mighty Darnassian Warsaber.



She is a horrific, dead thing. Made manifest in wisps of necrotic chill in the air and dissolving blue that leaves her eyes and mouth. Her armour is a hodge-podge of old Rooksguard amour, and trinkets of the Ebon Blade. She has little choice in the latter. The creature was important once. To someone, or something. She prefers to carry out mindless orders now, though.



From corrupted shadows in the far northern reaches of the old empire, a creature skittered forth, following a path. Erratic, cynical, and cunning, the huntress is the venomous spider that awaits foolish prey. Unabashed and unashamed of her chosen walk of life, a cheshire grin reveals stained and rotting fangs, vulgarity leeching with each carefully particular word hissed from the mouth of the Illidari.





Hailing from an ancient lineage, he is a relic of a bygone era. Though he's a behemoth even amidst his own kin, there is unexpected gentleness in his taut muscles. They are a mosaic of magical symbols that ebb to life with a single breath. If not for them, he may be mistaken as part of the Sisterhood of Elune with his collection of moonstone jewelry. For years he was secluded in the harrowing halls of Eldre'thalas. Now he ventures Azeroth with abundant curiosity.

Séaghdha Ylla'menor


From the grand and romantic spires of Zin-Azshari hails a woman borne of corvid curiosity. From stealthed ruthlessness of Ashamane to the flighty, vicious cries of Aviana, the raven mother is a curious collection of ancient history and a heritage of arcanic betrayal. Enigmatic and straight-spined, the social bird seemingly encompasses all that her chosen form represents. A serene and matronly continence, however, can be spotted when the archdruid deigns it.

Beneath the moonlight Her will is done


The Conclave is presently stationed in Thal'darah Grove within Stonetalon Mountains.Recruitment is currently OPEN. Join our discord to get in touch with an officer.



Conclave of the Moon is looking for active, lore-abiding players who have a passion for Kaldorei roleplay. We seek out players who take initiative in creating stories with others, are well-mannered and considerate. Moreover, we look for people who are fun to be around and add to our community in character and out of character.This community is more than just a refuge for idle moments when you're bored— you get what you put into it.



Players seeking to join should be experienced and literate roleplayers. We do not expect you to write novels or to have been roleplaying for 15+ years, but we do require literacy competency and an understanding of roleplay etiquette.Although we do not have an activity quota required of our players, we expect to see you engage with us or communicate if there will be a long absence. We're all adults with busy lives but a healthy amount of engagement is the backbone of building a community. Please ensure you have the willingness and bandwidth to be additive to this space.We have an expectation of respect for all RPers from our community. However, we also have our own expectations of characters that we roleplay with and that join our ranks. We are a lore-adherent guild that wishes to provide an immersive experience to our community where our characters are on more-or-less equal footing. There’s nothing wrong with roleplaying characters that don’t fit this mold. But they will not be accepted into our ranks out of fairness to other members.If you are unsure if your character will fit, we are happy to discuss your idea. We strive to be inclusionary and bolster interest in the RP community by working with interested players to create a concept that works for us and them.




    Kaldorei from all walks of life can join. This includes Death Knights and Demon Hunters although they will be recruited on a case-by-case basis with stricter criteria than other characters. Other races such as Worgen, Tauren, or Nightborne may be considered as well.


    Yup! Membership or affiliation with these organizations is not required to join the guild. It is just how leadership is structured. However, if you do have interest in your character being affiliated with any of these organizations then we would love to help you turn it into a storyline!


    Similar to Death Knights and Demon Hunters, Darkfallen will be considered on a case-by-base basis with the expectation that they are sworn to the Ebon Blade. We will not consider rogue undead characters to join the Conclave. Nor will we accept San'layn or any vampiric concepts.


    All alignments are welcome within the Conclave but keep in mind that we are a lawful organization.

    If your character is outright causing harm to innocents, using unsanctioned illicit magic, or acting as a liability then they will not fit well within our ranks. Keep in mind the surroundings you are placing your character into and expect realistic reactions from other characters.

    While we enjoy IC conflict, provided that it doesn’t get taken OOC, it should never dominate roleplay. Disagreements are bound to happen between characters but we do not want consistently needless hostility with no potential for remedy.